日本が誇る最新テクノロジーによって、世界初の天然繊維に10の機能を持たせることに成功。 優れた快適性とデザイン性は、メディアにも取り上げられ、すでに多数のブランドのアイテムに採用されています。この素材を通して弊社は、“次の世代へと受け継がれるモノづくり”の実現を目指しています。
Our original comfortable multi-use material “COVEROSS®︎” is the next generation material developed in consideration of sustainability and earth-friendly. With the leading-edge technology that Japan is proud of, we were able to provide 10 different functionalities in the world’s first natural fiber. The excellent comfort and design has been covered in media and used in items of multiple brands. We aim to realize the “creation of products that be inherited to the next generation”.s

The first Japanese company to be licensed by Cotton USA

2018年、世界で最もサステナブルな農法で綿花を栽培するコットンUSA協会(本部・ワシントン)の「What's New In Cotton?」において、世界10社以上のなかで、日本企業として「COVEROSS®︎」は初めて認定を受けました。これはCOVEROSS®︎の持つサステナビリティが、世界基準に達していることを証明するものです。

In 2018, “COVEROSS®︎” was licensed as the first Japanese company out of over 10 companies from around the world at “What’s New In Cotton?” at Cotton USA (Washington DC), where they grow cotton using the most sustainable method in the world. This proves that the sustainability of COVEROSS®︎ is at the world-class standard.

Material evolution by the collaborative research with Shinshu University


COVEROSS®︎has two collaborative research projects with Shinshu University, the only university in Japan that has fiber department, and there is a lab of our company inside the Shinshu University. One of the research project is the COVEROSS®︎SAI (healthcare cloth) and another is COVEROSS®︎WIZZARD (photocatalyst). COVEROSS®︎ is still evolving with these collaborative researches. We also have collaborative research with Lenzing (headquarter in Australia), one of the world’s largest cellulose fiber raw material producer and we aim to develop new materials.
