東京・青山にある、SURF AND GREENをコンセプトとしたライフスタイルショップ「TRAIL(トレイル)」は、Plants LoversやSunshine Loversが集う“特別な場所”。店内では、オリジナルブランドを中心に、塊根植物や多肉植物などのスペシャルなプランツや、陶芸作家とコラボしたスタイリッシュな鉢など、ここでしか買えない特別なモノに出会うことができます。

“TRAIL” is a lifestyle shop with the concept of SURF AND GREEN, located in Aoyama, Tokyo. It is a “special place” where plants lovers and sunshine lovers come. Inside the shop, we mainly have our own brand products, also special plants such as groundnut and succulent as well as stylish pots created in collaboration with a ceramic artist. You will find something special that you cannot find elsewhere.

By continuing the challenge to create “excitement” through this space, we aim for this to be the third place for many customers.